Providing details on the people mentioned in Matthew 1 is a challenging task given the span of historical uncertainties in biblical genealogies, especially in the early parts. Here, we try to provide the most reasonable estimates for each name based on biblical, historical, and traditional sources. For the sake of brevity and clarity, approximate years are used when exact dates are unavailable. The genealogies in Matthew 1:1-17 trace the lineage through Joseph, the legal (though not biological) father of Jesus as follows:
Abraham Birth/Death: c. 2166 BC - c. 1991 BC Biography: Abraham, originally Abram, is regarded as the father of the Hebrew nation. He received a covenant from God promising that his descendants would become a great nation. Fathered Isaacc. 2066 BC (Genesis 21:5) Major Events: - God's covenant with Abraham (c. 2091 BC ; Genesis 12:1-3) - Sacrifice of Isaac (c. 2050 BC ; Genesis 22:1-14) - Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (c. 2067 BC ; Genesis 19:1-29)
Isaac Birth/Death: c. 2066 BC - c. 1886 BC Biography: Isaac, son of Abraham and Sarah, was a patriarch of Israel. His near-sacrifice by Abraham was a test of faith. Fathered Jacobc. 2006 BC (Genesis 25:26) Major Events: - Marriage to Rebekah (c. 2026 BC ; Genesis 24:67) - Birth of Esau and Jacob (c. 2006 BC ; Genesis 25:24-26) - Famine in the land and covenant reaffirmed (Genesis 26)
Jacob (Israel) Birth/Death: c. 2006 BC - c. 1859 BC Biography: Jacob, also called Israel, was the father of the twelve tribes of Israel. He wrestled with an angel and was renamed Israel. Fathered Judahc. 1920 BC (Genesis 29:35) Major Events: - Jacob's ladder vision (c. 1928 BC ; Genesis 28:12) - Jacob's marriage to Leah and Rachel (c. 1927 BC ; Genesis 29:20-30) - Move to Egypt during the famine (c. 1876 BC ; Genesis 46:6)
Judah Birth/Death: c. 1920 BC - c. 1781 BC Biography: Judah was one of the twelve sons of Jacob. He played a pivotal role in selling his brother Joseph into slavery but later became a leader among his brothers. Fathered Perezc. 1880 BC (Genesis 38:29) Major Events: - Joseph sold into slavery (c. 1898 BC ; Genesis 37:28) - The story of Tamar (Genesis 38:6-30) - The famine that brought the Israelites to Egypt (c. 1876 BC ; Genesis 47:12)
Perez Birth/Death: c. 1880 BC - ? Biography: Perez was the son of Judah and Tamar, known for continuing the line that would eventually lead to King David. Fathered Hezronc. 1840 BC Major Events: - Jacob's family settles in Egypt (c. 1876 BC ; Genesis 46:27) - Death of Jacob and Joseph (Genesis 50:26)
Hezron Birth/Death: c. 1840 BC - ? Biography: Hezron was a descendant of Judah and an ancestor of David. Little is directly said of him in the Bible, but he appears in the genealogies. Fathered Ramc. 1800 BC Major Events: - Israelites' population growth in Egypt (Exodus 1:7) - Oppression of the Israelites in Egypt (Exodus 1:13-14)
Ram (Aram) Birth/Death: c. 1800 BC - ? Biography: Ram (Aram in some translations) is mentioned in genealogies but not much else is known about him. Fathered Amminadabc. 1760 BC Major Events: - Continued oppression of the Israelites in Egypt - Birth of Moses (c. 1525 BC ; Exodus 2:2)
Amminadab Birth/Death: c. 1760 BC - ? Biography: Amminadab was the father of Nahshon, an important leader during the Exodus. Fathered Nahshonc. 1720 BC Major Events: - Enslavement of Israel in Egypt (Exodus 1) - Moses' rise to leadership (Exodus 3:1-10)
Nahshon Birth/Death: c. 1720 BC - ? Biography: Nahshon was a leader of the tribe of Judah during the Exodus and an ancestor of David. Fathered Salmonc. 1690 BC Major Events: - Exodus from Egypt (c. 1446 BC ; Exodus 12) - The parting of the Red Sea (Exodus 14:21-22)
Salmon Birth/Death: c. 1690 BC - ? Biography: Salmon married Rahab, the woman who hid the spies in Jericho. He was part of the generation that entered the Promised Land. Fathered Boazc. 1280 BC Major Events: - Fall of Jericho (c. 1406 BC ; Joshua 6) - Conquest of Canaan (Joshua 10-12)
Boaz Birth/Death: c. 1280 BC - ? Biography: Boaz was a wealthy landowner who married Ruth, the Moabite widow, showing great kindness and becoming part of the lineage of David. Fathered Obedc. 1240 BC (Ruth 4:13-22) Major Events: - Judges rule Israel (Book of Judges) - Story of Ruth (Ruth 1-4)
Obed Birth/Death: c. 1240 BC - ? Biography: Obed was the son of Boaz and Ruth and the grandfather of King David. Fathered Jessec. 1200 BC Major Events: - Continued period of the Judges (Book of Judges)
Jesse Birth/Death: c. 1200 BC - ? Biography: Jesse was the father of King David. He lived in Bethlehem and was a farmer. Fathered Davidc. 1040 BC Major Events: - Anointing of David by Samuel (c. 1025 BC ; 1 Samuel 16:1-13)
David Birth/Death: c. 1040 BC - c. 970 BC Biography: David was the second king of Israel, a warrior, poet, and a man after God's own heart. His reign is seen as the golden age of Israel. Fathered Solomonc. 990 BC (2 Samuel 12:24) Major Events: - David becomes king (c. 1010 BC ; 2 Samuel 5:3) - David and Bathsheba (c. 990 BC ; 2 Samuel 11) - Establishing Jerusalem as the capital (c. 1003 BC ; 2 Samuel 5:6-9)
Solomon Birth/Death: c. 990 BC - c. 931 BC Biography: Solomon, the son of David and Bathsheba, became king of Israel and was known for his wisdom. He built the first temple in Jerusalem. Fathered Rehoboamc. 974 BC (1 Kings 14:21) Major Events: - Building the Temple (c. 957 BC ; 1 Kings 6) - Queen of Sheba visits (1 Kings 10:1-13)
Rehoboam Birth/Death: c. 974 BC - c. 913 BC Biography: Rehoboam was the son of Solomon. His reign marked the division of the united kingdom into Israel (north) and Judah (south). Fathered Abijahc. 950 BC Major Events: - Division of the Kingdom (c. 930 BC ; 1 Kings 12:16-24) - Invasion of Egypt by Shishak (1 Kings 14:25-26)
Abijah Birth/Death: c. 950 BC - c. 910 BC Biography: Abijah was the second king of Judah after the division. His reign was marked by conflict with the northern kingdom of Israel. Fathered Asac. 930 BC Major Events: - War with Jeroboam (2 Chronicles 13) - Death of Rehoboam (1 Kings 14:31)
Asa Birth/Death: c. 930 BC - c. 870 BC Biography: Asa was the third king of Judah, known for his religious reforms and opposition to idolatry. Fathered Jehoshaphatc. 900 BC Major Events: - Religious reforms (1 Kings 15:9-15) - War with Baasha of Israel (1 Kings 15:16-22)
Jehoshaphat Birth/Death: c. 900 BC - c. 849 BC Biography: Jehoshaphat was the fourth king of Judah. He strengthened the kingdom through alliances and religious reforms. Fathered Joramc. 870 BC Major Events: - Alliance with Ahab (1 Kings 22:4) - Defeat of Moab and Ammon (2 Chronicles 20)
Joram Birth/Death: c. 870 BC - c. 841 BC Biography: Joram was the son of Jehoshaphat and became king of Judah. His reign was marked by idolatry and conflict. Fathered Uzziahc. 840 BC Major Events: - War with Edom (2 Kings 8:20-22) - Alliance with Israel (2 Kings 8:28-29)
Uzziah (Azariah) Birth/Death: c. 840 BC - c. 740 BC Biography: Uzziah reigned in Judah for 52 years and was a powerful and successful king, but he was stricken with leprosy for disobedience to God. Fathered Jothamc. 770 BC Major Events: - Building military fortifications (2 Chronicles 26:6-15) - Stricken with leprosy (2 Chronicles 26:19-21)
Jotham Birth/Death: c. 770 BC - c. 735 BC Biography: Jotham was a godly king who continued the reforms of his father Uzziah and maintained peace during his reign. Fathered Ahazc. 740 BC Major Events: - Building the upper gate of the temple (2 Chronicles 27:3) - War with the Ammonites (2 Chronicles 27:5)
Ahaz Birth/Death: c. 740 BC - c. 715 BC Biography: Ahaz was a king of Judah known for his idolatry and reliance on Assyria for help against enemies. Fathered Hezekiahc. 740 BC Major Events: - War with Israel and Syria (2 Kings 16) - Ahaz's alliance with Assyria (2 Kings 16:7-9)
Hezekiah Birth/Death: c. 740 BC - c. 686 BC Biography: Hezekiah was one of the most righteous kings of Judah, known for his reforms, including restoring the temple and Passover. Fathered Manassehc. 709 BC Major Events: - Assyrian siege of Jerusalem (c. 701 BC ; 2 Kings 19:35) - Hezekiah's illness and recovery (2 Kings 20)
Manasseh Birth/Death: c. 709 BC - c. 643 BC Biography: Manasseh was one of the longest-reigning kings of Judah, known for leading the nation into idolatry but later repenting. Fathered Amonc. 687 BC Major Events: - Manasseh's idolatry (2 Kings 21:1-9) - His repentance (2 Chronicles 33:12-13)
Amon Birth/Death: c. 687 BC - c. 641 BC Biography: Amon followed in his father's footsteps of idolatry but did not repent. He was assassinated after a short reign. Fathered Josiahc. 648 BC Major Events: - Reign of Amon (2 Kings 21:19-26)
Josiah Birth/Death: c. 648 BC - c. 609 BC Biography: Josiah was one of Judah's most righteous kings, known for his religious reforms and for restoring the temple and the law. Fathered Jeconiahc. 634 BC Major Events: - Discovery of the Book of the Law (2 Kings 22) - Reforms and renewal of the covenant (2 Kings 23:1-3)
Jeconiah (Jehoiachin) Birth/Death: c. 634 BC - c. 560 BC Biography: Jeconiah was king of Judah for only three months before being taken into Babylonian captivity. Fathered Shealtielc. 616 BC Major Events: - Babylonian exile (c. 597 BC ; 2 Kings 24:12-16) - Surrender to Nebuchadnezzar (2 Kings 24:12)
Shealtiel Birth/Death: c. 616 BC - ? Biography: Shealtiel is listed as the father of Zerubbabel, though his lineage is somewhat complicated. He was born during the Babylonian exile. Fathered Zerubbabelc. 586 BC Major Events: - Babylonian exile continues (2 Chronicles 36:20) - Fall of Jerusalem (586 BC ; 2 Kings 25)
Zerubbabel Birth/Death: c. 586 BC - c. 516 BC Biography: Zerubbabel was the governor of Judah during the return from Babylonian exile. He led the rebuilding of the temple. Fathered Abiudc. 555 BC Major Events: - Return from exile (c. 538 BC ; Ezra 1:1-4) - Rebuilding of the temple (c. 520 BC ; Haggai 1:1-15)
Abiud Birth/Death: c. 555 BC - ? Biography: Abiud is only mentioned in genealogies, and little is known about his life. Fathered Eliakimc. 520 BC Major Events: - Persian control over Judah (Book of Ezra)
Eliakim Birth/Death: c. 520 BC - ? Biography: Eliakim is another figure only mentioned in genealogies. Fathered Azorc. 490 BC Major Events: - Judah under Persian rule (Ezra and Nehemiah)
Azor Birth/Death: c. 490 BC - ? Biography: Azor is only mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus. Fathered Zadokc. 460 BC Major Events: - Ezra's reforms in Jerusalem (c. 458 BC ; Ezra 9-10)
Zadok Birth/Death: c. 460 BC - ? Biography: Zadok is a relatively unknown figure except in genealogies. Fathered Achimc. 430 BC Major Events: - Nehemiah's rebuilding of the walls (c. 445 BC ; Nehemiah 6:15-16)
Achim Birth/Death: c. 430 BC - ? Biography: Achim is only mentioned in genealogies. Fathered Eliudc. 400 BC Major Events: - Continued Persian rule over Judah
Eliud Birth/Death: c. 400 BC - ? Biography: Eliud is listed only in genealogies. Fathered Eleazarc. 370 BC Major Events: - Persian Empire at its peak
Eleazar Birth/Death: c. 370 BC - ? Biography: Eleazar is mentioned in the genealogy, but no further details are given. Fathered Matthanc. 340 BC Major Events: - Alexander the Great's conquest (c. 333 BC ; Daniel 8:5-8)
Matthan Birth/Death: c. 340 BC - ? Biography: Matthan is mentioned only in genealogies. Fathered Jacobc. 310 BC Major Events: - Rise of the Hellenistic Kingdoms
Jacob Birth/Death: c. 310 BC - ? Biography: Jacob, listed as the father of Joseph, is only mentioned in genealogies. Fathered Josephc. 280 BC Major Events: - Judea under the Seleucids (2nd century BC )
Joseph Birth/Death: c. 280 BC - c. 1st century AD Biography: Joseph was the legal (though not biological) father of Jesus. He was a carpenter from Nazareth. Major Events: - Birth of Jesus (c. 4 BC ; Matthew 1:18-25) - The flight to Egypt (Matthew 2:13-15)
Jesus Birth/Death: c. 4 BC - c. AD 30 Biography: Jesus of Nazareth is the central figure of Christianity. Christians believe He is the Son of God, the Messiah, and the Savior of humanity. His life, death, and resurrection are the foundation of the Christian faith. Major Events: - Birth of Jesus (c. 4 BC ; Matthew 1:18-25) - The flight to Egypt (Matthew 2:13-15) - Crucifixion and Resurrection (c. AD 30; Gospels)